E-Clay: Learning and Teaching
Phase 2 is COmplete!
Participating Studios
London Clay Art Centre
Waterloo Potters Workshop
Studio on the Hill
Kawartha Potters Guild
Kingston Potters Guild
North Bay Potters Guild
Deep River Potters Guild
Sudbury Basin Potters Guild
Chris Snedden
Eekta Trienekens
June MacDonald
Gracia Cantoya
Shaun Kelly
Aitak Sorahitalab
Lindsay Hadcock
Jeanette Desforges-Pyoli
The second phase of E-Clay: Learning and Teaching received a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts and started work in October 2022. Phase 2 tested the results of phase 1 about teaching and learning clay virtually where the students and teachers interact in real time. Not only did the students get to see and talk with other students, but the teacher was also able to see the student’s work and offer immediate feedback.
In phase 1, we learned that teaching ceramics virtually requires special and specific knowledge and skills. In this phase 2, a group of 8 experienced teachers worked together to develop a Best Practices Guide for Interactive Online Community Ceramic Education (e-Clay).
After developing a preliminary guide, the project explored different ways to deliver real time bi-directional instructions. Several not- for- profit studios/guilds signed on to explore these different options/business models.
Not for profit Studios or Guilds who participated, administered courses in their usual way. Classes consisted of up to 8 students, for 8 weeks and took place in the winter session, January to March 2023. Students received a $100 rebate on their course cost, if they completed the evaluation/ feedback of each class experience.