
There is no one clear solution for implementing e-Clay learning and teaching opportunities but we developed a Toolbox document that can be used as a guideline by any guild for their own situations and circumstances.

Some of the considerations for a sustainable e-Clay are:

  • Costs and fees

  • Instructor training

  • Equipment rentals

  • Glazing and firing

  • Storage space

  • Insurance

  • Multimedia liability

  • Dedicated teaching space

  • Equipment security

  • Technical support

  • Video equipment maintenance

All guilds are structured and managed differently, serve different communities (rural/urban), and work in different spaces. Some have physical spaces while others do not. Though we are in different places across the province, ceramic studios have similar goals and resources. As mostly volunteer organizations, we appreciate and understand that we must work together to achieve our goals.

The digital environment can be challenging so we are looking to each other to develop strategies for teaching and learning. A digital solution is one part of the equation. Workflow and processes can be established to allow for a successful and sustainable solution.